ngRADAR Team

The ngRadar Project Office

The ngRadar Project Office is based at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Central Development Laboratory (CDL) in Charlottesville, Virginia, under the Radar Division.  The ngRadar project is a collaborative effort of Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), manager of NRAO, and industry partners Raytheon, an RTX business.  NRAO leverages personnel across observatories and centers, including CDL, NRAO Headquarters also in Charlottesville, Virginia, the Green Bank Observatory (GBO) in Green Bank, West Virginia, and the Domenici Science Operations Center (DSOC) of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) in Socorro, New Mexico.  Below are the ngRADAR team from NRAO Headquarters, CDL, GBO, and DSOC.  NRAO is a facility of the National Science Foundation (NSF) operated under cooperative agreement by AUI.  Part of this work is supported by NSF Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure-1 award 2131866 to AUI.


Project Director, Radar Division Head - Patrick A. Taylor

Project Sponsor, NRAO Director - Tony Beasley

Project Engineer - Michael Luniewski

Project Manager - Rachel Geiger

Project Structural Engineer - Art Symmes

Systems Engineer - Frank DeBerardinis


CDL Assistant Director - Bert Hawkins

GBO Director - James M. Jackson

PMD Assistant Director - Diane Paulson

VLBA Assistant Director  - Joseph McMullin


Data Analyst - Evan Smith

Scientist - Will Armentrout

Electronics Engineer - William Wallace

Electronics Engineer - Galen Watts (ret.)

Mechanical Engineer - Dennis Egan (ret.)

Project Management - Kirstin Morin

Software Engineer (Lead) - Dane Sizemore

Software Engineer - Kasey Purcell

Software Engineer - Paul Marganian

Software Engineer - Joe Brandt


Deputy Assistant Director - Walter F. Brisken

Scientist - Urvashi Rao Venkata

Scientist - Steven Tremblay

Software Engineer (Lead) - Patrick Brandt